Businesses truly succeed with the support of their communities. Communities provide businesses with the people, the infrastructure, and all of the other resources needed to succeed. Because of this, we feel it is important to give back to our community in appreciation for all they do for us. Whether it be through philanthropic programs, events, or monetary support, we value our community and want them to know it. We’re committed to keeping the communities we live in great places to live, work, and grow together.

A Long-Standing Tradition
Our commitment to community has existed since the time of our founders, who realized early on that a vital community is one of the richest assets a company can have. So, they began a tradition of responding to community needs. To continue that tradition, the Bernick family created the Bernick Family Foundation, which exists to promote our core values. As a whole, this is expressed through financial support for two separate (but related) goals. One, being the preparation of students for future success in both their schooling and their careers, and the other being the encouragement of healthier living through fitness.
Educational Support
There is no better example of our support for students than the Bernick Family Scholarship, which provides a helping hand to students of merit in our communities who intend to pursue a post-secondary education. It is open to all high school seniors within our service area, so long as they can maintain their academic excellence while attending school on a full-time basis.
Sustainable Living
With beverages as some of Bernick's most prominent products, it should come as no surprise to learn that we understand the importance of environmental stewardship. To promote responsible use of our environment, we have implemented a number of measures to make our production process as sustainable as possible, ranging from the use of recyclable materials in our containers to the reduction of material wastage. We are committed to complying with EPA standards and encourage sustainability to all.
Alcohol Responsibility
Likewise, we encourage the responsible use of our alcoholic beverages. For example, we support the St. Cloud Hospitality Association's Safe Cab Program, which provides patrons with safe and free rides home. This has had a positive impact on occurrences of both drunken driving and all the consequences thereof for the better in the state of Minnesota, and we feel it is well-worth our time, efforts, and investments.
Healthy Lifestyles
Since we enjoy the privilege of being part of happy and healthy communities, we support a number of annual events in partnership with non-profit organizations - such as the YMCA - to promote fitness. Examples include (but are not limited to) the Family Snow Games, Family Track & Field Day, and the Wishbone Walk/Run. We love having the opportunity to encourage healthy opportunities for a healthy community.
These are just some of the causes that have received our support over the years. Because of our understanding that communities can benefit from all sorts of programs, the Bernick Family Foundation is there to lend a helping hand to those non-profit organizations that need it. This support can help all types of organizations either launch their current programs or even start up new ones. When we review which programs we can contribute to and support, we find it necessary that their intentions fit with our goals of either helping youth be all that they can be, or that they are promoting the wellbeing of our communities to all.
Of course, this support exists in addition to the effort that those of us at Bernick's make to continually improve our communities and our community’s economy. We serve on local elected boards, we volunteer our time at non-profit organizations, and we strive to make ourselves part of our beloved communities. All because this is who we are both as people, and as part of the Bernick's team.