3 Signs Your Business Needs a Vending Machine From Bernick’s

A vending machine setup can be a valuable addition to your business, providing convenience to customers or employees, generating additional revenue, and reducing operational costs compared to other retail models. Vending machines might seem like simple, utilitarian devices, but they can play a surprisingly significant role in enhancing company culture. By offering convenience, promoting a sense of community, and demonstrating care for employees' well-being, vending machines can contribute to a positive workplace environment.

Picture this: It’s 3 PM, your blood sugar is low, and your stomach is growling. The little turkey sandwich you packed for lunch failed to fill you up. You’re frantically searching through your bag for something to snack on before your next meeting, only to find crumpled receipts and gum wrappers. 

Whether we like to admit it or not, we’ve all been there. It’s unavoidable — the morning munchies, the afternoon hunger pangs, the late-night cravings. If you have experienced this at some point, we can guarantee that your employees have, too. 

Of course, there are ways to solve this problem. Bernick’s team has provided business owners like you with easy, turnkey food and beverage vending for the past 100 years! But before we get ahead of ourselves, it’s important to first determine if your business is the right fit for a vending machine. 

A vending machine setup can be a valuable addition to your business, providing convenience to customers or employees, generating additional revenue, and reducing operational costs compared to other retail models.

Keep reading to discover three tell-tale signs that your business needs a vending machine from Bernick’s.

3 Signs Your Business Needs a Vending Machine From Bernick’s

1. Increased Demand for Onsite Food & Beverage Options

If your customers, clients, or employees frequently seek snacks, drinks, or other small items, a vending machine setup can meet this demand without requiring significant staff intervention. If your business experiences high foot traffic, particularly in common areas, people are likely to need quick access to snacks, beverages, or other convenient items.

If customers or employees often ask where they can get snacks or beverages, this suggests there's an unmet need for on-site refreshment options. And, if your business operates during non-traditional hours or has shift workers, providing easy access to food and drinks through vending machines can be a valuable convenience.

Offer employees healthy options at work with Bernick's Vending Machines

How many employees work in your business or building? To meet the minimum requirements for a Bernick’s vending machine, you should have at least 50 employees in your organization, ballpark. This ensures there are enough people to use the machine and generate the sales required to support the equipment, fortifying your time and investment in workplace culture. 

If your business is bigger, with at least 75 employees, it might be worth considering a micro market instead. Similar to a vending machine, a Bernick’s micro market offers healthy, fresh, and delicious snack and beverage options. But rather than one machine, a micro market offers more variety, with a custom vending market and self-checkout kiosk.

2. Increased Need for Flexibility

The workplace has changed in recent years, with hybrid work models and reduced staffing needs. This affects everything from onsite planning to long-term strategies that meet the needs of the business and its workforce alike. Vending machines are a practical solution for businesses with limited space or staff resources. They offer 24/7 availability without the need for dedicated personnel, further enforcing a smart model for the altered landscape of workplaces.

  • Space Constraints: If your business has limited space for a full-service cafeteria or retail shop, vending machines can be a compact solution. They can be placed in hallways, break rooms, lobbies, or other convenient locations.
  • Reduced Staffing Needs: If staffing is a concern, vending machines operate with minimal supervision, reducing the need for additional employees to manage food and beverage sales.
  • Cost Efficiency: Vending machines require lower initial investment and operating costs than setting up a staffed retail counter or cafeteria. If budget constraints are a concern, they can be an attractive option.

How often are your employees leaving the premises for lunch? For many businesses, manufacturing facilities, schools, and healthcare establishments, time doesn’t allow for off-the-lot lunch breaks. 

“These types of accounts typically have a captive audience that doesn’t have time to leave the premises to purchase products and beverages from convenience stores or restaurants.”
—Leah Bernick, Bernick’s Director of Vending

If your employees are in a similar situation and do not have time to leave the building to pick up food, it’s a sign that your business needs a Bernick’s vending machine.

3. Increased Focus on Employee Incentives or Perks

Are your employees satisfied with their workplace? Do they feel as if their needs are being met? If you cannot confidently answer “yes” to either of those questions, it’s time to take action. Not only does an on-site vending machine provide employees with a central hub to socialize and take breaks, but it will also improve overall satisfaction and productivity! A study by Brigham Young University found that employees who eat healthy all day long are 25% more likely to have higher job performance. On the flip side, those who didn’t believe their workplace would support them in becoming healthier were more likely to have a drop in productivity. 

Vending machines allow employees to easily access snacks, beverages, and other essentials without leaving the workplace. This convenience can contribute to a more relaxed and productive atmosphere. They can also create informal gathering spots where employees naturally meet, interact, and build relationships. This fosters a sense of community and encourages collaboration.

  • Casual Conversations: Vending areas often become social hubs where employees from different teams or departments meet. This can lead to spontaneous interactions, strengthening workplace connections.
  • Cross-Departmental Collaboration: When employees from various parts of the organization converge at vending machines, it can facilitate cross-departmental conversations and collaboration, breaking down silos.
  • Team Building: Vending machines can be used as focal points for team-building activities, encouraging employees to take breaks together and build camaraderie.

Providing vending machines with a variety of options shows that the company values its employees' well-being, contributing to higher morale and job satisfaction. If you are interested in boosting employee productivity, retention, and overall happiness, your business needs a Bernick’s vending machine.


Bernick’s Vending Machine Services

If you’re ready to put a vending machine in your business after reading this blog, you’re in luck! Partnering with Bernick’s for your food or beverage vending needs comes with a laundry list of perks. Vending machines can generate extra income for your business, especially if you have a consistent flow of visitors or employees who would use them regularly.

  • Revenue Potential: If you see the potential to increase revenue by offering snacks, drinks, or other items on-site, vending machines can provide a steady income stream with relatively low maintenance.
  • Customer Retention and Satisfaction: By providing additional services like vending machines, you can improve customer satisfaction and encourage them to spend more time at your business. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and retention.
  • Diverse Product Offerings: Vending machines allow you to offer a wide variety of products, from snacks and beverages to personal care items and electronics accessories. This flexibility enables you to tailor the selection to your business's needs and potentially attract a broader customer base.
  • No cost: Yes, you read that right. When you partner with Bernick’s, we will install and maintain your vending machine at no cost to you. No purchasing, no leasing, no hassle. 
  • We keep it stocked: Not only do we handle the inventory of your vending machine, but we’ll even absorb any of the costs from outdated products.
  • 24/7 Service: if you’re experiencing a problem with your vending machine, or just have a question, we’re always here to help. Our award-winning team provides on-site machine services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Bernick’s understands that every business has unique needs, especially when it comes to beverage and food preferences. Whether you are interested in a Bernick’s vending machine, micro market, or beverage fountain, industry experts are waiting to walk you through the process.


Talk to a Vending Specialist


Published on: Jul 15, 2024

Topics: Vending

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