Vending Machine Technology: What is Right for You?

To determine the best vending machine technology for your business, assess your specific needs, budget, and customer base. Consider factors like location, customer demographics, expected foot traffic, and desired product range. The ideal vending machine will balance modern technology, user experience, security, and cost-effectiveness while providing a variety of payment options and ensuring easy maintenance and support.

Missed Opportunities

Picture this: you’re standing in front of a vending machine, credit card in hand. It’s mid-afternoon, and you’re craving a snack or icy-cold caffeine before rush hour traffic hits on your way home. You excitedly make your selection, including a bag of chips and soda, only to realize that this vending machine doesn’t accept credit cards—it’s cash only. Instead of making a purchase, you walk away frustrated.

Now, let’s reverse that perspective. What if you weren’t a customer but owned the vending machine instead? What if you realized that employees, customers, and clients couldn’t buy snacks simply because they weren’t carrying cash? It’s pretty frustrating (and one of the many reasons why it’s important to keep the type and technology of your vending machine up-to-date). You’re missing out on two key aspects of business—revenue and customer satisfaction.

The Types of Vending Machines & Considerations

Before diving into the latest trends in vending technology, it’s important to understand which type will be most profitable for your business. ​​If branding is important to your business, look for vending machines that allow for custom wraps or logos. This helps create a cohesive brand image. Choose machines that offer flexibility in product assortment, allowing you to tailor the selection to your customers' preferences. Consider machines that come with maintenance plans or support services. This can reduce downtime and ensure quick resolution of technical issues. Ensure the vending machine has readily available replacement parts and a network of service providers for repairs.

Food & Drink Vending Machines

Close your eyes and imagine a vending machine. Did you picture soft drinks and salty snacks? You probably did — but consumer habits are changing. People now seek healthy, fresh, and sugar-free vending options. If 100+ years of food and beverage experience has taught us anything, health-driven choices are here to stay. 

So when selecting a food and drink vending machine, it’s essential to remember the importance of a wide (and healthy) snack and beverage selection. Snack vending machines dispense a variety of snacks, such as chips, candy, and granola bars. Suitable for offices, schools, and public places. Beverage vending offers a range of drinks, including soda, water, juice, and energy drinks. Often found in high-traffic areas. combo vending machines provide both snacks and drinks in one machine, ideal for smaller spaces or businesses seeking variety. Specialty vending machines dispense unique items, such as fresh food, ice cream, coffee, and even personal care products, making this technology great for niche markets or specific environments.

Merchandiser Vending Machines

What if we were to tell you that vending machines now have the ability to offer more than just food and drink? A merchandiser vending machine can be stocked with an assortment of supplies ranging from toilet paper and tissues to pens and pencils! You can often find a merchandiser machine in a hotel dispensing toiletries to guests; however, many businesses are turning to this technology to vend a variety of office supplies. With 638 unique items, Bernick’s has the portfolio to stock your vending machine with whatever merchandise you may need.

Custom or Specialty Vending Machines

Vending machines are no longer a “one-size-fits-all” solution. Your customers, employees, and clients are unique, so your vending machine should be too. This is why we offer the opportunity to customize vending to your needs. Whether you want to include coffee, fresh foods, or grab-and-go products, Bernick’s recognizes that nobody knows your business better than you.

Talk to a Vending Specialist

The Latest in Vending Machine Technology

As we’ve said before—vending technology is improving daily. Long gone are the cubes that may (or may not) deliver the snack you selected in exchange for a crumpled dollar bill. Now that we’ve touched on the different vending machines, let’s turn our attention to the vending technology that makes it possible.


Cash is no longer the preferred payment method for Americans. A Forbes report published in December 2023 states that less than 10 percent of Americans use cash for daily transactions. That’s why it’s essential to provide vending machine technology that allows credit card payments complete with data encryption for secure transactions.

  • Cashless Payment Systems: Accept credit/debit cards, mobile payments (Apple Pay, Google Pay), and other contactless methods. These are essential for modern vending as cash usage decreases.
  • Traditional Cash Payments: Some customers still prefer cash, so consider a machine that supports coins and bills. Look for secure cash-handling features.
  • Hybrid Systems: Combine cash and cashless options, offering flexibility to a broader range of customers.

Energy-Saving Technology

We have all been told to turn off lights when leaving a room, but what about turning off vending machine lights? Thanks to LED lighting and motion-activated features, modern vending machine technology can turn off interior lights when not in use. This promising technology not only increases the life of the equipment but also dramatically cuts energy costs. Other tech advances include:

  • IoT and Remote Monitoring: Machines with Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities can be remotely monitored, allowing you to track inventory, sales, and machine performance in real-time. This helps with inventory management and maintenance scheduling.
  • Telemetry and Data Analytics: Some machines offer detailed analytics, providing insights into customer behavior, popular products, and sales trends. This can inform restocking decisions and business strategies.
  • Energy Efficiency: Look for machines with energy-saving features, such as LED lighting, efficient cooling systems, and sleep modes. These reduce operational costs and environmental impact; a win-win.

User Experience

  • Touchscreens and Digital Displays: Provide a modern, interactive experience. They are useful for displaying product information, promotions, or advertising.
  • Accessibility Features: Ensure the vending machine is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Features like larger buttons, braille, and adjustable heights are beneficial for complying with any ADA requirements.
  • Ease of Use: Look for machines with clear interfaces and simple operation to enhance the customer experience.

Is Your Vending Technology Up to Date?

If your vending machine technology is ready for retirement, it’s only a matter of time before your employees and customers get frustrated and you lose revenue potential. That's where an industry expert (aka your vending partner) comes in.

A quality vending supplier and partner should make a conscious effort to keep you educated on the latest developments in the vending industry. They should assess your individual needs and recommend a profitable vending solution specific to your business. As your partner, we want what’s best for you and will do everything in our power to ensure you get it.

A Vending Machine Expert on Your Side

Thanks to various advances over the past few years, there’s never been a better time to offer next-level vending options. Stay up-to-date on your vending machine technology, and you can continue fostering a positive atmosphere that many enjoy.

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Published on: Jun 20, 2024

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