3 Reasons Why a Micro Market is Perfect for Your Business

According to the National Institute of Health, 20% of Americans' energy intake comes from snacking. It’s a daily activity that should not be overlooked. When it comes to energy, the workplace requires ample amounts from its workers, no matter the industry. All that to say, workplace snacking should be promoted and considered.

Micro market kiosks are becoming a popular option in the workplace. 10 years ago, we weren’t so sure about them (now they’ve evolved to include the PICO market concept), but now, with the advances in reliable technology and the changes in consumer behavior, we’re proud to stand behind them as one of the best solutions to implement in your business.

We’re not excluding vending machines as reliable solutions for on-the-go, and we think vending machines have a time and place where the setup makes the most sense. However, we simply implore you to consider the benefits of adding micro market vending to enrich the lives of your employees.

The last few years have seen a huge leap in vending services for offices around the country. We’ve seen the break room cafe, total break room services, and (of course) the
micro market kiosk. People love food, and if they love anything more, it’s good food. Utilizing this fact, it’s easy to use micro market vending to keep your employees happy and well-fed.

Do us a favor. Take a few seconds to look around your office. See any healthy food options in the vending machines or fresh foods lying around for workers to enjoy? Does your break room have total break room services? Is there a break room cafe? There’s a large chance that there aren’t any of these things and that the only food you can find is a bag of chips in your vending machine.

A micro market kiosk solves a lot of problems, but we've realized that some of the most important facts about micro markets have gone unnoticed. They keep your workers fed, that’s definitely important; they also have a slew of benefits that can propel your business's food distribution to new heights. Here’s how:

1. Enhanced Employee Satisfaction

Time and time again we hear about how pleased users of micro markets are. They love the options, the prices, the ease of use, and the access. If you’re looking for a way to ramp up employee satisfaction and show your commitment to your team, a micro market is your answer.

Micro markets offer a more personalized and diverse selection of products compared to traditional vending machines. This creates a better experience for employees, clients, or visitors, leading to increased satisfaction and engagement.

  • Greater Product Variety: micro markets can stock a wide range of items, including snacks, beverages, fresh foods, frozen meals, and personal care products. This variety caters to different tastes, dietary restrictions, and preferences, making it appealing to a broader audience.
  • Flexibility and Customization: unlike vending machines with fixed selections, micro markets allow for dynamic product offerings. You can easily adjust the inventory based on customer feedback, sales trends, or seasonal changes.
  • Better Shopping Experience: micro markets provide a more relaxed, self-service environment. Customers can browse, select, and pay at their own pace, creating a more enjoyable and user-friendly experience.

Micro markets allow your employees to purchase items at their will in a convenience store-like setting without ever having to leave your building. Unlike traditional vending machines, micro markets allow individuals to pick up, feel, and examine each item before they purchase it. Consumers snack daily, but 91 percent of them consider nutritional content before buying and 88 percent are willing to pay more for healthier options. People in your building want fresh and local ingredients in their snacks. A micro market is the solution to this request, giving you the opportunity to supply your workplace with high-quality, fresh, local products that satisfy your company's cravings.

Micro markets are conducive to a different level of efficiency with the option for employees to purchase multiple items at once. On the topic of purchasing, users never have to worry about carrying cash or change with them. Many micro markets are set up with a thumbprint payment system, account numbers, and/or credit cards. Payment is self-checkout style, which makes it fast and easy for your employees.

Talk to a Micro Market Specialist


2. Increased Revenue Potential

We love to see people get a little shaken up when we tell them the cost of installing a micro market kiosk: a lump sum of exactly $0. A micro market doesn’t cost anything to install, we do it free of charge – including delivery, restocking, repairs, service improvements, and security cameras for your micro market space. Who doesn't love free? That’s a tough price to beat.

Micro markets can lead to higher sales and profitability for your business. The expanded product range and improved customer experience contribute to increased revenue opportunities.

  • Higher Transaction Value: the open layout and broad product variety encourage customers to purchase multiple items. This can lead to higher average transaction values compared to traditional vending machines.
  • Reduced Maintenance and Downtime: micro markets generally require less maintenance than vending machines because they don't rely on mechanical mechanisms to dispense products. This can result in lower operational costs and fewer interruptions.
  • Extended Operating Hours: micro markets can operate 24/7, providing revenue-generating opportunities during non-traditional hours. This is especially useful in businesses with shift workers or those open around the clock.

A micro market combines the best parts of traditional markets and technology. Undoubtedly, you’ve experienced issues with faulty tech preventing you from getting the vending items you desire. Everyone has at some point. Maintenance on office vending machines can be troublesome, especially if your equipment has been in use for a while. Offices hardly ever think of revamping food because so much is going on, but doing so can mean a world of difference for your team or guests.

3. Workplace Culture & Community

Have you noticed food brings people together? If you're looking to bring your employees closer together, a micro market kiosk can do it. Turning your break room into a place of gathering is a great way to encourage employee interaction. Allow your employees to exchange ideas, grow, and get to know one another. Bernick's has committed to stocking micro markets with fresh, local items through EATS, an exclusive fresh food brand that's exclusive to Bernick's. Enjoy hand-crafted sandwiches, salads, and snacks from our local culinary partner.

We know people grab a soda and a bag of chips and eat at their desks. By providing a sprawling, gorgeous micro market, you can give your employees a certain level of anticipation in their day. They’ll grow to love their 10-minute breaks with fellow co-workers. Micro markets will be there to entice them, draw them in, and give them an experience to look forward to each and every day. 

Here’s how a micro market can positively influence workplace culture:

  • Cross-Departmental Interactions: since micro markets attract employees from various parts of the workplace, they can facilitate interactions between people who might not work together directly. This cross-departmental mingling helps build a more cohesive company culture.
  • Team Building: A micro market's casual setting is ideal for team-building activities, whether informal gatherings or organized events. This shared experience can strengthen bonds among coworkers.
  • Healthier Food Choices: many micro markets offer healthier food options, promoting employee wellness. This focus on well-being can create a sense of community around health and fitness goals.
  • Celebrations and Events: micro markets are great places to host small workplace events, such as birthdays, work anniversaries, or team celebrations. These events help build a sense of belonging and community spirit.
  • Reduced Stress: having a convenient source of food and beverages on-site reduces the stress of leaving the workplace for snacks or meals. This convenience can lead to happier, more relaxed employees, contributing to a positive workplace atmosphere.
  • Employee Feedback and Preferences: businesses can adjust the micro market's product selection based on employee feedback. This responsiveness shows that the company values its employees' opinions and contributes to a sense of community ownership.
  • Tailored to Workplace Culture: a micro market can be designed to align with the workplace culture, whether that's through branding, product choices, or layout. This customization helps create a unique identity for the workplace, fostering community.

Considering Your Own Micro Market

Micro markets provide a flexible, modern, and profitable alternative to traditional vending machines. Through advanced technology and real-time data insights, they offer an enhanced customer experience, increased revenue potential, and improved operational efficiency. Whether for an office, hospital, school, or other business setting, micro markets can be a valuable addition that meets the needs of your employees, customers, or visitors.

Micro market vending can provide you with a zero-cost, zero-maintenance method for keeping your employees healthy and happy. At Bernick’s, we do this by outfitting our micro markets with fresh, local, and healthy ingredients that consumers want and are willing to pay for. There’s absolutely no cost to the business. We find a space that works, and we start making people happy. At the end of the day, workers get a solution to their snacking needs that brings them even closer together than your average vending solutions.

Talk to a Micro Market Specialist  Micro markets are the latest trend in vending. They’re truly hassle free and  an investment in your company and your people. Start the Conversation


Published on: Jun 20, 2024

Topics: Vending, Products, Micro Market

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